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Languages Today Extra: More Than Words? Culture and Language

“The process of teaching a foreign language should imply teaching the cultural aspects connected to such a language and not just its grammar and vocabulary.” (Cortés, 2007). Few would disagree but it is easy to be misled into thinking that language and culture can be (easily) separated.   An obvious goal of language learning is […]

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Languages Today Extra: Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence Revisited

Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence Revisited Michael Byram Multilingual Matters, 2020, 200pp, £79.95 ISBN 1800410247   This is without doubt one of the best, most thought provoking books that I have read in recent years.  The central message has not been changed from that of the original published in 1997, but the author states […]

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Languages Today Extra: The Big Picture – Languages in a post-pandemic education – Changing horizons.

This article represents my personal and professional reflections on the importance of language learning in general and the particular importance of language education post-pandemic.  It aims to articulate a reimagining of language learning as a regenerative and transformational force for good. The article sets out to revisit our purpose, our pedagogic principles and practice with […]

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