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Teachers telling tales (extended Primary version)

Hannah White @madamewhite2017 teaches Primary children in Bristol and runs the ALL Bristol Primary Hub with a colleague. Languages Today (LT) asked her about how she uses stories to help pupils memorise and progress in their language learning. This is an extended version of her article in Languages Today 36 with a Primary focus.   […]

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Arriving at the OASIS

Let me begin this article with a confession: before taking up my current post as a PGCE tutor in MFL at the University of Bristol, I was a full time classroom teacher with middle management departmental and pastoral responsibilities. No, that’s not the confession. The confession is that I engaged very little, if at all […]

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My Lockdown webinar experiences

Who would have thought it? The 19th March was my last “normal” day of the school year! It was also the first of many incredible webinars supported by ALL London, and one in which  Joe Dale presented a 12-page-document full of ideas and IT resources to support MFL teachers in response to the Coronavirus outbreak. […]

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