A summary of Languages Today magazine content in 2012/13.


Autumn 2012

LT12 CoverIn 2012, the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, this edition of Languages Today was all about lifelong and intergenerational learning.

– We spoke to language teachers and learners of all ages and in a host of different situations, from schools and colleges, universities and the U3A, to learning centres, living rooms and even the local bakery!

– We also spoke to Linda Dupret from St Paul’s School in Brighton about becoming a bilingual primary school, and investigate the array of tools and support available through the British Council that you can use in your classroom, including Schools Online, connecting classrooms and eTwinning. We also bring you a host of tips on making language learning acessible to all.


Spring 2013

LT13 CoverOur theme was ‘Imagine…’:

How can you maximise memory in language learning? Promote thinking skills? Get problem-solving?

And appeal to the rich imaginations of our pupils and teachers, our student teachers and teacher trainers, and the creative roots of our learners?

And of course, we were building up to the training event of the year for UK languages teachers – Language World!




Summer 2013

LT14 CoverThis issue was about fairy tales & fables, stories & storytelling.

From top tips on teaching languages through stories and great storytelling resources, to encouraging creativity through literature.

Plus, a day in the life of a teacher trainer, and raising the profile of languages in schools.





Languages Today is packed full of advice, ideas and information – join us to receive the next issue!