Corporate Member news & offers

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CfSA Directory Launch and ALL

UK Council for Subject Associations launches directory to support educators The Association of Language Learning (ALL), like many other subject associations is experiencing a surge in demand for practical resources to support home learning as schools close to all but...

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Home Learning Help: Pearson

Free access to Pearson's digital resources  *Brand new and available across a range of languages* Vocabulary remote learning tasks Translation and Literary Texts Conversational Practice MFL Picture based tasks available here   To support continued teaching, learning...

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Home Learning Help: Yabla

Our wonderful Corporate Members, Yabla are offering free access through extended trials to their brilliant video-based online immersion tool until the end of the academic year! We really don't want you to miss out on their amazing offer which they featured in our...

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Home Learning Help from our Corporate Members – Educandy

A generous offer from our friends at Educandy - all totally free. Create interactive activities for free Are you looking to can create interactive learning games but have no time to learn how? With Educandy, you can create engaging activities in minutes....

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Online Teaching with Joe Dale

Joe Dale shared his wealth of knowledge and vast expertise to help teachers with an array of online tools and technology in light of school closures and the need for teachers to move to online teaching and distance learning.  Read more here Joe shared a very detailed...

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