Flying the Flag for Languages


Language World – ALL’s flagship annual conference and CPD event attracting up to 250 delegates a day.

Programme Highlights

Language Futures and the future of language learning: lessons for the mainstream languages classroom and beyond. In this year’s conference keynote Dr Rachel Hawkes highlights the findings from an in-depth research exercise undertaken as part of the Language Futures initiative. Language Futures centres around student choice and agency, creating and fostering a broader language learning community beyond the classroom doors, with teachers acting as facilitators of project-based learning.

The programme includes plenary sessions - where we bring all of our delegates together for an address, celebration, keynote or welcome, major talks - where delegates can choose one of three major talks, workshop sessions- where delegates can choose one of 5 workshop sessions and project updates.

Back by popular demand!

ALL will be announcing the Primary and Secondary Language Teachers of the Year 2018 at an awards ceremony at Language World 2018. ALL is lucky to have a sketchnote wall again for Language World 2018, capturing all of the conference and exhibition highlights as a visual treat.

New for 2018

We will be running a 1:1 career clinic for student teachers and NQTs providing an opportunity for those new to the language teaching profession to tap into the wealth of expertise and knowledge of our more experienced members. We anticipate a rewarding experience and a positive buzz permeating the conference as a result!

Language World 2018 full conference programme

Friday 23 March only

Saturday 24 March only








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Flying the Flag for Languages

Language World - ALL's flagship annual conference and CPD event attracting up to 250 delegates a day.