ALL in the media
27/03/2018: Ilkley primary school teacher honoured: Catherine Cheater made a Fellow of the Association for Language Learning at Language World 2018.
22/12/2017: Pearson launches virtual A-Levels to battle teacher shortage: ALL's Chair of Board of Trustees, Rene Koglbauer, comments on the shortage of teachers and the impact of this on language learning.
December 2017: Teach Secondary Magazine: Clodagh Cooney on Is this the future of language learning? (page 47)
11/09/17: Three ways schools need to change their approach to boost MFL: Dan MacPherson mentions the Association in his blog post on the topic of ways schools can boost MFL teaching.
28/08/17: Just speaking English won't get us very far in the world: ALL's Chair of Board of Trustees, René Koglbauer, is mentioned in an article response to Simon Jenkins' claim that modern language classes in schools are irrelevant.
16/06/17: The Queen's Birthday honours: Helen Myers, Chair of ALL's London Branch is listed for an MBE in The Queen's 2017 Birthday honours.
10/06/17: Cien profesores participan en la jornada de promoción del español para docentes en el Reino Unido: Steven Fawkes, ALL's Honorary Membership Officer, is mentioned in an article covering Spanish workshops being held in London to support teachers of Spanish.
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When using any information provided here, please cite all references to “The Association for Language Learning, the major subject association for teachers of foreign languages in the UK.”