The Association for Language Learning (ALL) is proud to have served the needs of the language teaching community in the UK for over two decades, and long may it continue to do so!
But were you aware that increasingly ALL has an international focus to its work, and therefore an international audience as well?
In recognition of its high number of international web visitors and social media followers, ALL is pleased to announce that it is now launching an annual e-subscription to its flagship magazine, Languages Today.
Languages Today is a 40 page magazine written in English, which is published three times a year, (January, May, September). It is packed full of tried and tested ideas for language teachers straight from teachers' classrooms, and brings readers the latest updates on innovative practice and learner/teacher successes. Every edition takes a broad theme and explores this across a number of articles, each from a different contributor. We also bring you language policy updates, project updates, reviews of resources, interviews and opinion pieces and a World Language feature in every edition. The 'How to....' and 'My Best Ten Ideas' provide you with practical take away suggestions to try in your classroom the very next day!
You may also be interested in some of the other ways in which ALL has an international focus:
- ALL has an academic peer-reviewed journal called the Language Learning Journal, which features contributions from around the world on all aspects of language learning and pedagogy
- ALL supports the work of the FIPF, FIPLV and the IDV by cascading their news on to ALL members and reporting on international policy work as well as resources produced in a range of target languages
- ALL is an active partner in an Erasmus+ funded project with 9 other UK and international partners, developing an interactive game called THE LANGUAGE MAGICIAN, which measures progress in foreign language learning in the primary setting
- ALL promotes the resources and services offered by cultural institutes and corporate members, many of which have an intercultural or international focus
- ALL actively supports the European Day of Languages and runs a national competition, as well as showcasing resources from the language teaching community
- ALL provides a calendar of key international dates and highlights accompanying resources for teachers to use with their language learners
ALL's former Director, Rachel Middleton, states " Language teachers are by nature an outward-looking community and they work tirelessly every day to foster a love of languages and an interest in other cultures, and to develop the next generation of global citizens with broad and tolerant mindsets. Internationalism beats in their heart and it is only right that their professional subject association supports them appropriately in their endeavours,with an international focus to its work. I am delighted that our flagship magazine can now be enjoyed by an international audience and that the sharing of ideas, inspiration and learning which Languages Today offers its current UK readership, can be cascaded on to international language teachers".
To find out more about ALL please click here. To investigate options to join ALL as a member, please click here.
To purchase an annual e-subscription to Languages Today, and to gain access to our latest edition, focusing on multilingualism, please click on the image below.