With the summer holidays fast approaching, there is no better time to prepare yourself for a great start to next term by securing a place at the .
With our own ALL President Jane Harvey and Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP (DfE Minister for School Standards) leading in discussions, join us on the 15th October for the latest practical insights on enhancing MFL provision across your organisation.
Take part in practical workshops and interactive discussions which assess how MFL learning can be improved through innovative teaching pedagogies and join Professor Emma Marsden in exploring how pupil uptake and teaching provision can be enhanced though the National Centre for Excellence for Languages Pedagogy. Furthermore, gain guidance on curriculum development through the APPG’s National Recovery Programme for Languages, so you can deliver lessons which enhance pupil attainment and enthusiasm.
There is a 15% discount for all ALL members. To secure your discounted rate, please contact [email protected] or call 0203 770 6672, providing the offer code ALL-MFL19.