Poll finds that sixty per cent of Brtions want to keep their EU citizenship: Support for retaining rights, including living, work, study and travel in the EU, is particularly strong amongst 18-24 year olds.

That uncertain feeling: Italian born Cristina Ruiz questions her 25 years of living in London in the face of Brexit.

Remain would win if new EU referendum vote were held tomorrow: A survey shows that 54% of Britons would vote to remain in the European Union if another referendum was held.

Teachers in Wales ‘worried’ about future of foreign languages: A survey conducted by the British Council has found an array of concerning figures for the future of Modern Foreign Language learning in Welsh schools.

Brexodus has begun: Joris Luyendijk comments on the prospect of EU nationals leaving the UK as Brexit begins.

Brexit prompts skilled European workers to leave the UK: The Financial Times report on the wave of highly qualified EU nationals seeking work outside of the UK as a result of Brexit.

Why we should learn German: John le Carré on why it is now more important than ever to value the skills of the linguist in order to help make the European debate decent and civilised.