“While many factors contribute to making a school great, it can ultimately only ever be as good as the people that work there. It is therefore vital that teachers and school leaders get the support they need to change the lives of the children they teach.
With the help and insight of those currently working in the sector, the Department for Education (DfE) is creating a world-class teacher development system that builds from initial teacher training (ITT) through to early career support, specialisation and then onto school leadership. Our vision is that a golden thread of evidence-informed training, support and professional development will run through each phase of every teacher’s career. The ambition is excellence; teachers and their pupils deserve nothing less.
We have already made good progress.” says Robin Walker, MP Minister of State for School Standards, in the introduction to the 70 page Government Response to the Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Market Review published last week.
You can download and read the Government’s response in full here: Government-response-to-the-initial-teacher-training-ITT-market-review-report-1.pdf
UCET, the Universities’ Council for the Education of Teachers, responded with a statement, “Whilst we acknowledge that the response reflects some of the concerns of the sector to the original proposals, we reserve any final comment until we have had time to engage more fully with the detail of the guidance“. You can read the full statement from UCET here: Government-response-to-the-initial-teacher-training-ITT-market-review-report-1.pdf