Two new reports on language teaching in degree programmes (for less-widely taught languages and institution-wide language programmes) have recently been published by the the University Council of Modern Languages (UCML) and the Association of University Language Centres in the UK (AULC).
Less widely-taught languages:
Following on from their original language teaching report for French, German, Italian, and Spanish, UCML have now produced a new report for the Less-Widely Taught Languages. This report surveys contact hours, credit loads, health of the discipline, progression routes, and other areas of interest for European and World languages taught within named degree programmes. This makes interesting reading, and could be helpful to Heads of Department in making the case for contact time, credit loads and number of admissions.
Institution-wide language programmes:
UCML’s yearly language survey on Institution-Wide Language Programmes has just been published. The report shows that demand for IWLP language courses continue to be on the rise. For the first time, the survey also collected data on the conditions of employment of language tutors nationally. The full report can be accessed from the right of this page.
You can find more information on the UCML website.