Voice Recognition and Assessment Software
Sanako Pronounce is the world’s first software package designed to improve the pronunciation skills of today’s language learner. It can be used either individually, by group or by class.
This advanced software uses the latest authentic text to speech technology allowing teachers to quickly prepare spoken exercises for students by simply copying & pasting text from any source, even a web page. No need to record the model phrases, simply write or copy text from any source and the software will create the audio automatically.
Listen to a phrase and then record yourself saying the same phrase to compare with the model the accuracy meter will give instant feedback along with phonetics. When you are happy then simply move on to the next phrase.
When linked to the Class Manager the teacher can collect all students’ work simultaneously along with a document outlining each student’s performance. Sensitivity settings can be adjusted by gender, age and experience levels to meet all needs and boost confidence in pronouncing words correctly.