In November 2017, a survey was authored by the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) and disseminated by ASCL, the Association for Language Learning (ALL), the Independent Schools’ Modern Languages Association (ISMLA) and the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC). The focus of the survey was on severe grading at GCSE.
In under a week, over 2,600 MFL teachers, middle and senior leaders responded to show the strength of their concern and the impact of the problem.
A summary of the survey findings has been presented below:
• the results of the survey shows overwhelmingly strong support for a change to grading, with 98% (over 2,500) urging Ofqual to take action
• the results show the devastating impact severe grading has had on the decline in numbers studyinglanguages, and over 90% reporting in their school the resulting negative perceptions pupils hold about the subject and effect on progression routes
• over 80% reported that in their school, severe grading at GCSE has also had a negative impact on the judgements about the performance of the subject and of individual staff.
All of the findings have now been presented to Ofqual.
Further reading: