News update

ALL are pleased to announce that Anna Lise Gordon is ALL’s new President Elect from September 2015.

Anna Lise GordonAnna Lise Gordon has been a member of the Association for Language Learning since its inception, and is currently a member of the ALL Council. She enjoys all aspects of ALL membership, including participation in local branch events and Language World conferences, taking an active role on the ALL Council and working on ALL’s special interest group on initial teacher education. She is an active ambassador for ALL, promoting the benefits and importance of a professional association for all language teachers.

For the last 15 years, she has worked in initial teacher education as MFL PGCE tutor and latterly as Academic Director for the PGCE provision at St Mary’s University, Twickenham. She is a National Teaching Fellow and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

With 30 years of experience in education, Anna Lise began teaching French and German in a comprehensive school in inner London followed by a Head of Department position in a Surrey comprehensive. She then gained broader experience as an Advisory Teacher and Consultant for Surrey, working with a wide range of primary and secondary schools on aspects of curriculum development. She has written course book materials in French and German, as well as other resource materials to support teaching and learning.

Anna Lise has a particular passion for nurturing new teachers in the profession: her current Doctorate in Education research interest focuses on the resilience of early career teachers, and her MA in Education considered the importance of MFL-specific mentoring for primary trainee teachers. Over the years, she has organised and led many CPD events, including sessions at Language World and at St Mary’s University. Anna Lise was awarded a prestigious National Teaching Fellowship in 2012 and is using the £10,000 award to develop and support early career teachers.

Anna Lise will be President Elect for one year (2015-2016), and President for two years (2016-2018).

You can contact Anna Lise via the ALL Office.