ALL welcomes Ofqual’s  decision to make an adjustment in the grading standards for GCSE French and German from June 2020 to align these subjects with GCSE Spanish.  It is a modest adjustment but will be noticeable in schools and will help to make French and German more attractive both to schools concerned with accountability and even more importantly, to pupils. It is a positive step forward in encouraging  language learning in our schools.

We agree with Ofqual that it is important to recognise that grading issues are separate from the assessment and content questions raised during their research and that the latter need to be addressed by the DfE.

We welcome the in depth research that Ofqual has undertaken, and the way in which they have involved stakeholders in the process.  We will be looking at the report and its annexes carefully and will then comment further.

Jane Harvey, President, ALL.

For the full announcement, please explore the Ofqual news story.