We are excited to announce that ‘Learning from the Classroom’ our new ALL initiative to connect and share research and practice by teachers for the benefit of members is now live.

Anna Lise Gordon, ALL President says, “Learning from the Classroom is an exciting way to celebrate the amazing work taking place across the country to enhance learning opportunities for children and young people in schools. Learning from the Classroom allows teachers to stand back from their busy lives, share learning and reflect on potential impact in a different context. Let’s share our learning together and fly the flag for languages!”

Dr Jane Jones, Kings College London, adds “The bite-size accessible accounts of classroom-based research by MFL teachers are a very welcome initiative by ALL.  This will enable the sharing of the many small-scale but very valid studies by teachers of what they investigate in their classrooms to challenge current thinking and practices and to evaluate the impact of their research on pupil learning. The first research studies that we are sharing demonstrate this evaluation amply and it is heartening to note that the pupil voice is absolutely central to the research. Our aim is to expand and make visible our MFL research base and celebrate teacher research for the many not just the few. The teachers who have shared their work told us they are proud and honoured to be encouraged to share it. We are delighted with their contributions and look forward to welcoming and providing support for many more.”

We already have five published research articles which can be accessed.  Themes include teaching languages to all, using authentic materials to drive speaking skills, music as a tool to teach Spanish, using interdependence to teach grammar and ASD strategies for French learners.  We hope you find these interesting and food for thought.  If you would like to contribute an article or even have an idea you would like support with, please e-mail [email protected].