Words: Crista Hazell (ALL Council Member)

A whole day secondary focused conference held at the National Congress Centre. There were many speakers including politicians, one of the three exam boards as well as the Languages Pedagogy Review lead, the National Centre for Excellence in Language Pedagogy lead and practising classroom teachers who shared a wealth of strategies and experiences alongside details of their impact upon learners with reference to engagement, progression and results. There was a wonderful mix of interested parties from a range of backgrounds sharing knowledge on languages, languages education and ways of moving forward.

Sessions included:

  • Jane Harvey, President of the Association for Language Learning
  • The Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, Ministerial Address: The Next Steps in Supporting Outstanding MFL Teaching
  • Tonia Antoniazzi MP, Vice-Chair, All Parliamentary Group on Modern Languages: Outlining The National Recovery Programme for Languages – The APPG Perspective
  • Ian Bauckham, CBE, (CEO of Tenax Schools Trust and Chair – Review of Modern Foreign Language Pedagogy in Key Stage 3 & 4, Teaching Schools Council): Improving Pupil Attainment in Modern Foreign Languages Through Effective Teaching Practices
  • Judith Rowland-Jones (Head of Curriculum: Languages, AQA): Reflections on 2019 GCSE MFL Exams
  • Professor Emma Marsden, Director, National Centre for Excellence for Languages Pedagogy: The National Centre for Excellence for Languages Pedagogy
  • Stephanie Liddle, Head of Modern Foreign Languages, Wyvern Academy: Improving Speaking Skills Through Creative Teaching Methods
  • Juliet Park, Director, MFL Share Trust: Building Linguistic Skills
  • Jane Millington, Second in Department and French Lead, Myton School: Supporting Grammar and Vocabulary Development in Pupils
  • Susanne Sahmland, Senior Lecturer in Education, Goldsmiths, University of London: Developing effective writing skills by engaging young people from KS3-KS4 in writing

Please explore the full report.