Primary CLIL Resources
Primary Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) resources
ALL were at the forefront of the development of CLIL launching the Future for Language as a Medium of Education (FLAME) initiative in 2013 to support CLIL and bilingual learning. FLAME supported teachers to combine subject topics with language lessons: essentially the teaching of an academic subject in a language that is not English. Click on the links to the left to view two sets of resources in our shop.
Remembering Agincourt
ALL and the Historical Association collaborated on an Agincourt 600 Fund partnership project, to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt. The project included a bilingual enquiry exploring the battle and how it has been remembered. The French and History enquiries work together but also act as standalone units and are therefore useable in both curriculum areas separately. However, they are best used working together as part of a cross-curricular or extra-curricular project involving both subject areas.
Each enquiry has been designed with year 6 and 7 pupils in mind, but also to provide a level of challenge and progression in both history and French. For further information, please explore the project resources.
ELAPSE Project
Since November 2018, ALL has been a partner in the ERASMUS + KA2 funded project ELAPSE. ELAPSE aims to develop primary and secondary language teachers’ awareness of CLIL and soft CLIL methodology. An array of practical resources, a good practice guide and instructional videos have been created transnationally in French, German, Spanish, and English for teachers to use with language learners. The focus is on the transition between Primary and Secondary phases across all four languages and the 20 subject resources.
For further information, access to the resources, lesson plans, good practice guide and instructional videos please click here.