Resources from our Cultural Partners

Primary French Project from the Institut Français

This project was a partnership (of the Institut Français du Royaume-Uni, ALL and Network for Languages) and was devised to support primary schools wishing to teach French as part of the statutory curriculum  from 2014.  Suitable for all practitioners, including those who have no prior knowledge of the language, and also specialist linguists who are new to teaching children in Key Stage 2, the materials aim to train the teacher by providing the subject knowledge that is needed in order to meet the requirements of the Programme of Study for Languages in Key Stage 2, as well as age-appropriate language-teaching methodology.

The teaching materials include lesson plans and PowerPoint Presentations for the interactive whiteboard. The PowerPoint presentations include all images and voice recordings necessary to model language and grammatical concepts to children.  The materials are aligned to KS2 year groups as follows:

Niveau bleu - year 3

Niveau blanc - year 4

Niveau rouge – year 5

Niveau tricolore – year 6

For transition from KS2 to KS3, secondary teachers should use niveau multicolore.

For further information, please explore the Institut Français du Royaume-Uni's website.

Support for German in Primary from the Goethe-Institut

Services and ready-to-use material for non-specialists including:

  • Headteacher brochure pointing out the advantages of teaching and learning German in the UK and showing the attainment targets in the first year of German achievable with the Goethe-Institut’s scheme of work
  • Provision of teaching material Felix and Franzi developed by the Goethe-Institut for UK primary school teachers who have little or no initial German
  • Upskilling courses to help you get started and to equip non-specialist language teachers with a basic knowledge of German
  • Film The Smart Choice: German at Primary Schools in the UK. Watch online or order your free copy from the Goethe-Institut London
  • German at Primary Schools in the UK booklet - a great tool to make the case for German at parent evenings and language days
  • Further training events in the UK as well as scholarships for courses in Germany and Austria (culture, methodology, language courses)
  • Library service (extensive choice of current and inspiring books and resources for primary schools)
  • Support in organising school projects and offering cultural events
  • Film screenings at the Goethe-Institut

The Goethe-Institut provides teaching materials, language training and advice for free.  Please contact our primary school specialist Dominique Böert if you would like to be supported with your language learning programme.

Support for Spanish in Primary from the Spanish Embassy Education Office

Support includes:

  • A teaching guide for learning Spanish in Primary schools
  • Online teaching resources to be downloaded from our website
  • Virtual learning platform for Primary teachers of Spanish (activities, fora, resources, etc.)
  • Teacher training in collaboration with Universities
  • Workshops, assemblies or introductory sessions for the promotion of the Spanish language and culture
  • Sessions on both language and methodology
  • Support for finding Spanish partner schools to establish or maintain educational links or exchanges
  • Spanish Visiting Teachers Programme (coordinated with the DfE)
  • Language Assistants Programme (coordinated with the British Council)
  • Training for future teachers of Spanish, offered by the Instituto Cervantes
  • Promotional resources, (posters, balloons, stickers, etc.)

Most of our services are free of charge – see explore our website and join our mailing list.

Support from the British Council

British Council can support you with finding a school partner.

Among the other resources to support your work is our primary languages starter pack that includes information about different aspects of foreign language education in the primary school. The pack is designed to give you ideas and advice about good practice so that you can feel confident from the beginning.

Other resources can introduce your pupils to Chinese, Arabic, Polish and Mexican language and cultures:
Year of the Pig Education Pack
Arabic Language and Culture Education Pack
Polish Language and Culture Education Pack
Welcome to Mexico

All of our inclusive, supportive and impactful schemes, resources and opportunities for schools can be found on our website.

British Council offers The Great Languages Challenge

In Arabic, French, German, Mandarin, Spanish and Welsh.

The Challenge can be completed during a planned lesson or also set as a language-themed homework task. We even have a blank version available that students can use to design their own challenges for their classmates or peers in their partner school overseas.

This classroom resource, created jointly by the National Literacy Trust and the British Council, is full of exciting activities to inspire pupils and 'ignite a lifelong love of reading'.

Reading for pleasure classroon resource

Support from the Japan Foundation

Includes classroom resource and a scheme of work.  Please explore our website or email for further details.

Latin and Greek - why and how?

Since ancient languages were added to the National Curriculum, an increasing number of state primaries have taken up the challenge to teach Latin as their Key Stage 2 language, and many more offer it as an extra-curricular option, or as part of a Classics Club.  Access to classical subjects raises pupils’ aspirations and achievement, and the myth that the study of classics is only for the privileged few is being debunked.

Studying Latin or Greek:

  • supports language skills for pupils of all ages and abilities
  • encourages a structured approach to grammar and a strong foundation for literacy
  • knowledge of Greek or Latin roots reinforces spelling and meaning, helps pupils to decode unfamiliar words across the curriculum and prepares them well for the range of academic vocabulary they will encounter later on

Classical subjects can be taught by non-specialists and delivered with enthusiasm to students of all abilities in primary (or
indeed secondary).  Classics for All offers funded training, grants for books and other materials and can advise ontailored schemes of learning. A Facebook group, Salvete-LIPS for Primary Latin and the well-established Classics Library also give support.
Primary teachers find that the wealth of modern, well-designed resources available (some free online) makes preparation and
teaching stress-free and enjoyable.  Minimus is a complete tried and tested course for Primary Latin, based on a real family from Vindolanda while, for something completely different, Anthony Gibbins’ Legonium, populated by Lego figures, is not to be missed.  Basil Batrakhos and the Mystery Letter, aimed at pupils aged 9-12, gives an introduction to Ancient Greek by unravelling a mystery; it is available as a book or free online.

Curriculum documents and resources used in Spanish Primary schools

Craig Thomas, Education Adviser at the Consejería shares here a link to the national curriculum for primary subjects in Spain.

The document is dense; however you will see the contents, objectives, learning outcomes etc taught for lengua castellana (teaching of reading, phonics etc), ciencias naturales etc. for each year group.

This may be of use to teachers searching for resources online which are already prepared in Spanish.