Languages Today, Winter 2019 (e-publication)



Now you can access individual copies of the Association for Language Learning’s flagship magazine for teachers of languages – Languages Today as an ePublication at just £7.99 a copy.

This edition of Language Today has a focus on Engagement, detailing enriching and engaging classroom experiences, a wealth of strategies and a focus on engaging MFL curriculums to ensure rich learning experiences for all learners. The contributions of languages (and language teachers) to engagement comes through as a strong thread from our contributors, as does the need for language teachers to remain creative and share their ideas through writing but to also consider wellbeing through managing workload. We also celebrate the 30th year of the Association for Language Learning and look back on some of the many achievements with our chair of trustees, René Koglbauer and the first ALL director, Christine Wilding.

Languages Today is published three times per year.