A wide range of resources have been developed by schools involved in Language Futures. Resources include resources to support project-based learning, language learning strategies as well as resources for building schools’ capacity to implement a Language Futures approach.
Project-based learning resources offer ideas on how to support students in designing, planning, and carrying out an extended project and include projects that have been trialled by schools delivering the Language Futures approach.
Language learning strategies resources offer examples of strategies that can be fostered throughout the learning of languages as, in order to become independent learners, students need to develop the necessary strategies and skills to lead their own learning and become resilient linguists.
Building schools' capacity resources offer practical guidance to schools on everything from how to launch the approach to briefing parents and recruiting and training mentors.
Steps to launching Language Futures
Explore our step by step guide to launching Language Futures.
Project Based Learning - using projects to stimulate language learning
The Association for Language Learning created this publication having researched the impact of a Project Based Learning approach (which is inherent in the Language Futures approach) on student linguistic development and motivation to learn. Our teachers talked about how enthusiastic students became when given the opportunity to use the language they were learning in a creative context. This Project Based Learning publication is designed to help teachers create projects which encourage learners to use the language they are taught in creative and thought provoking ways.
Volunteering for Languages
Support has always been available for the sciences in schools, the argument being that practical subjects need support in setting up and using equipment etc. What could be more practical than learning a language? Volunteering for Languages discusses why local volunteer native-speakers are invaluable in language learning and what the implications are for inviting them into school.

Further support:
There are also further examples of resources for individual languages available for teachers developing the Language Futures approach. Please contact us if you would like to receive these additional resources.