Theme: Language Trends 2022

Background: In the 20th year of Language Trends from the British Council, 2022 saw the biggest ever response, with 1693 schools, from primary, secondary and independent sectors, completing the survey.

The aims are:

(i) to assess the impact of policy measures in relation to languages; and,

(ii) to analyse strengths and weaknesses based both on quantitative evidence and on views expressed by teachers


Key messages: 

(NB A proportionately higher response rate from independent and state schools in the least deprived areas may influence some of the findings).

  1. Four out of five responding primary schools have been teaching languages for more than five years.
  2. There is a great deal of variation in the amount of time devoted to languages in primary schools across the country. Some pupils receive less than 30 minutes per week.
  3. The trend in all school types is that an increasing number of schools are reporting no international engagement.
  4. The data show that the government is not on target to meet its EBacc targets for numbers of pupils taking a GCSE in a language.
  5. Spanish is now firmly established as the most popular A level language in England.


There are two elements to this briefing, both of which you can read in full here: Briefing-34-Language-Trends-2022-.pdf

and a more detailed briefing from ALL Trustee Helen Myers here: Detailed-briefing-for-ALL-Members-on-Language-Trends-22.pdf