The MFL Pedagogy Review was commissioned and published by TSC – the Teaching Schools Council  The Review identifies a number of critical points for development of successful language teaching.

How far does your institution already support your languages team in these matters? What else could be done?

This briefing has been prepared by volunteers from the Association for Language Learning (ALL) Council and is for the benefit of ALL members.  Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute the policy of the Association for Language Learning (ALL).

The briefing should not be copied or circulated without permission.

Read other articles in this collection:-

Briefing 42: Schools: SEND Code of Practice

Background: This document is DfE advice for school governing bodies/proprietors, senior leadership teams, SENCOs and classroom staff.  NB Both SEND and SEN are used as acronyms in this DfE paper. SEND: Guide for schools and alternative provision settings: Click here...

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Teacher Briefing 41: Ofsted School Inspection Handbook

ALL Briefing No 41                                             Theme: Ofsted School Inspection Handbook, September 2024 Ofsted has published updates to its state-funded school inspection handbooks as well as its deferral, pausing and gathering additional evidence...

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